Most folks get involved in a church in four phases: Visit, Participate, Belong, Join.
There are many ways to participate, and we hope you do!
Once you're ready to participate more fully, know that we believe in "serving with grace." That means before you get involved, we encourage you to think about your gifts and discern where and how to use them. When you use your gifts, you will be nourished, not drained, and serving will become a spiritual practice. Here are some questions to consider:
What are the things I’m already committed to?
Do I actually have time to do this?
Are there things I’m doing (in the church and outside of it) that don’t nourish me? Can I stop doing them?
Does this opportunity fit with my current interests?
Also, all our meetings are Mindful Meetings with this agenda:
Meditate on the agenda ahead of time to help us become more conscious. When we are conscious, we can respond more than react. This practice helps us bring a mindfulness to the meeting so we can deal with issues rather than projecting onto them all of our past associations and future hopes and fears. (A process is provided)
Chalice lighting
Read church mission
Spiritual practice led by someone in the group
Sharing on monthly theme - topic provided by minister to all ministry groups each month
Business – usually one hour
Spirit check
What was the spirit of this meeting?
Did we consider our church mission?
Did we consider the marginalized in our congregation and community?
Were we filled up or drained?
Closing words/extinguish chalice
It’s the journey, not the destination that matters most in serving with grace. It’s the relationships that are developed, not the items crossed off the “to do” list. It’s the fruits of the spirit in your own life and in the congregations’ life that matter most. All church work is done to nurture our spirits and help heal our world.
Once you've attended our church for sometime, you'll probably consider joining. If you are ready to join the church, there are three steps to do so: •If available, attend Pathways to Connections and Membership - a class that describes Unitarian Universalism, our congregation, and membership •Complete a pledge card and sign our historic membership book, or go to our pledging page for more information, • Receive recognition and welcome during our services in a membership ceremony
Once you are a member, you will have all the rights and responsibilities of membership in our faith community.
If you are a current member looking to submit your pledge, you can reach out to co-president, Kathy Vaughn, to let her know what you are pledging. Thank you for being a part of this community and pledging to the church! You can also donate with PayPal or credit card using the link below.