UUCG Worship Services and Activities suspended, effective March 14, 2020 Dear Members and Friends from the UUCG Board of Trustees: In response to COVID 19, the Unitarian Universalist Association, and the CDC, beginning today, the UUCG Board of Trustees have suspended all UUCG activities and Worship Services until further notice. Please watch your email or visit our website, www.greeleyuuc.org, for further information. Please be safe and consider following the recommended guidelines:
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
If you use a mask do not take it off and keep your hands away from your face, nose, and mouth.
Cover your sneeze and wash immediately, as well as after a cough.
Regularly disinfect doorknobs and key boards.
Hand sanitizer should be kept on hand and used frequently.
Stay home if you are sick.
Now is the time to utilize non-contact greetings. You may want to be in contact with others via Skype, Zoom, or other programs.
Should you feel isolated or in need of assistance, please contact Reverend Norris [email protected]. You may also leave us a message at the church office and we will return your call as soon as is possible. We hope to restore activities as soon as authorities consider it safe to do so.
Online Resources at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greeley Online Services During COVID Outbreak While we are out of the building, we will continue to have recorded services online. At this time, we are planning to gather and watch new services at our regularly scheduled Sunday time of 10 am.